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Xamarin Studio won't start up


Hi all,
When I double-click my Xamarin Studio shortcut, or XamarinStudio.exe in C:\Program Files\Xamarin Studio\bin\XamarinStudio.exe, nothing happens apart from the mouse cursor flickering to busy and back again.

According to the exe properties, I've got version

I'm running Windows 7 32 bit.

Any thoughts/pointers?



--include not working for some tags


I am seeing a strange error, I currently have 2 feature files in my project


When I send the test project up to test cloud with the tag "--include Filters", it works fine but when I send it up with "--include Login" the submission is rejected as it was unable to find any tests associated with this tag and I get the following error.

_C:\Users\Brian.Mitchell>test-cloud.exe submit E:\Projects\GEMApp\gemapp\GemApp.M
anagerApp\GemApp.ManagerApp.Droid\bin\Debug\hgem.manager.apk --devices 37bc9d06 --series "Alpha" --category Login --locale "en
_GB" --user brian.mitchell@hgem.com --assembly-dir E:\Projects\GEMApp\gemapp\GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests\bin\Debug
No tests would be run in Xamarin Test Cloud, reasons:
Filtered.: GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Filters.FiltersFeature(Android).ApplyASingleBranchFilter, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Filters.FiltersFeature(Android).ApplyASinglePeriodFilter, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Filters.
FiltersFeature(Android).ApplyMultipleBranchFilters, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Filters.FiltersFeature(Android).ApplyMultiplePeriodFilters, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Filters.FiltersFeature(Android).ResetFilter, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Login.LoginFeature(Android).LoginWithCorrectDetails, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Login.LoginFeature(Android).LoginWithIncorrectDetails, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Login.LoginFeature(Android).LoginWithIncorrectPassword, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Login.LoginFeature(Android).LoginWithIncorrectUsername, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Login.LoginFeature(Android).LoginWithNoDetails, GemApp.ManagerApp.UITests.Features.Login.LoginFeature(Android).LogoutOfApp

It seems off as the 2 feature files were created in the same manner and are in the same project.
I am not sure why it works fine with one and not the other.

Error when building with Visual Studio for Mac Preview 4


I am getting the following error whem buiding...
/Volumes/MacBook Pro Backup 1/Xamarin/NSE/iOS/NSE.iOS.csproj(3,3): Error MSB4019: The imported project "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/4.8.0/lib/mono/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk. (MSB4019) (NSE.iOS)

The path mentioned in the error does not exist. The is no Xamarin directory under xbuild.

This worked fine before upgrading to Preview 4. I even uninstalled Visual Studio and the Mono Framework and reinstalled it.

I assume it is complaining about the following line in my NSE.iOS.csproj file...

Cannot Add AutoLayout constraints in static table view cell


I am using Xamarin ios designer. It works fine to add constraints in table view cell when the table view is set to dynamic mode. While, with the static mode, the designer cannot present any layout constraints. It is very strange. Is it due to some bugs of the ios designer? By the way, I am using storyboard.

Problem on uploading photo


Hi! I'm trying to upload photo to server but i'm getting exceptions on both android and ios. Exceptions don't occurred everytime but very often.
This is the method where i'm trying to upload:

public async Task UploadImage(string assignmentId, string title, Stream imageStream)
if (imageStream == null)
return new ImageUploadResponse { Success = false, Message = "Unexpected error has occurred, image doesn't exist" };

        var checkForToken = await CheckIsTokenValid();
        if (!checkForToken)
            return new ImageUploadResponse { Success = false, Message = _errorCommunicatingWithServer };

        var filename = (title + ".jpg").Replace(' ', '_');
        var url = $"{URL_Base}/uploadimage";

        var multipartFormContent = new MultipartFormDataContent
            {new StringContent(assignmentId), "Id"},
            {new StringContent(title), "Title"}
        var scontent = new StreamContent(imageStream);
        scontent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data");
        scontent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/jpeg");
        multipartFormContent.Add(new StreamContent(imageStream), "filename", title + ".jpg");

        var data = string.Empty;

            HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer",

            var responseMessage = await HttpClient.PostAsync(url, multipartFormContent);
            var responseContent = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ImageUploadResponse>(responseContent);
        catch (Exception e)
            Rollbar.Current.Report(new Exception(data, e), ErrorLevel.Error);
            return new ImageUploadResponse { Success = false, Message = e.Message };

        return new ImageUploadResponse { Success = false, Message = _errorCommunicatingWithServer };

Error on iOS is:

System.Net.WebException: The network connection was lost.
Traceback (most recent call last):
Foundation.NSErrorException: Exception of type 'Foundation.NSErrorException' was thrown.

and on Android:

Java.IO.IOException: Write error: ssl=0xaf030da0: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer

Do you have any idea?

Xamarin Test Recorder won't install


Using Visual Studio 2005 Professional, downloaded the addin from:


I get the following error during installation:

"This extension is not installable on any currently installed products"


06/Mar/2017 10:51:35 - Microsoft VSIX Installer
06/Mar/2017 10:51:35 - -------------------------------------------
06/Mar/2017 10:51:35 - Initializing Install...
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - Extension Details...
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - Identifier : Xamarin.TestRecorder.VSIX.018c8206-0d43-4589-baf0-e21a9440024e
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - Name : Xamarin Test Recorder
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - Author : Xamarin
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - Version : 0.4.4
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - Description : Connect a device or emulator to your app and record new automated mobile UI Tests right from Visual Studio
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - Locale : en-US
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - MoreInfoURL : https://www.xamarin.com/test-recorder
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - InstalledByMSI : False
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5,)
06/Mar/2017 10:51:36 -
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - SignatureState : InvalidCertificate
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - SignedBy : Xamarin Inc.
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Certificate Info :
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - -------------------------------------------------------
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - [Subject] : CN=Xamarin Inc., O=Xamarin Inc., L=San Francisco, S=California, C=US
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - [Issuer] : CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA, OU=www.digicert.com, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - [Serial Number] : 08B7663891D7AC8FC4847B382F128EA0
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - [Not Before] : 30/Nov/2015 00:00:00
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - [Not After] : 05/Jan/2017 12:00:00
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - [Thumbprint] : 00B44013D9DF78AE8D6C608DF278704D4519795E
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 -
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Supported Products :
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Enterprise
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Version : [14.0]
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 -
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - References :
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Signature Details...
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Extension is signed with an invalid certificate
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - (NotTimeValid) : A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file.
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 -
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 -
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Searching for applicable products...
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Integrated)
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Found installed product - Global Location
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - Found installed product - ssms
06/Mar/2017 10:51:37 - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall(Boolean isRepairSupported)
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Forms Droid build causes System.OutOfMemoryException


We have a rather large project involving a number of external packages and components. During the droid build I've noticed a warning from the file "Xamarin.Android.Common.Targets"

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Source  Suppression State
Warning     Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
   at Microsoft.Cci.Pdb.MsfDirectory..ctor(PdbReader reader, PdbFileHeader head, BitAccess bits)
   at Microsoft.Cci.Pdb.PdbFile.LoadFunctions(Stream read, BitAccess bits, Boolean readAllStrings)
   at Microsoft.Cci.Pdb.PdbFile.LoadFunctions(Stream read, Boolean readAllStrings)
   at Pdb2Mdb.Converter.Convert(String filename)
   at Xamarin.Android.Tasks.ConvertDebuggingFiles.Execute() ResponseGUI.Droid   C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets   1550    Build

which points too:

<Target Name="_ConvertPdbFiles"
    <ConvertDebuggingFiles Files="@(_ResolvedPdbFiles)" />

The content of a picker view is empty


A picker's contents are retrieved from my web services via HttpClient (async). If tap the picker immediately after the the picker is shown, the picker is empty (i.e. the picker is shown but the contents isn't ready and waits the data from internet)

But if tap it just little lately, the contents can be ready. Is any suggest to improve the use experience that allows the content is ready when tap the picker?

Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps Shows green screen on emulator


i am trying to use Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps nuget in a xamarin.forms project but all i get is a green screen with "Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps" text in the middle on my emulator

this is the app.cs

    public App()
            // The root page of your application
            var content = new ContentPage
                Title = "GoogleTestApps",
                Content = new StackLayout
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children = {
                        new Map(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(30.0444, 31.2357), new Distance(200))) {
                            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                            HeightRequest = 920,
                            WidthRequest = 400,
                            MapType = MapType.Street

            MainPage = new NavigationPage(content);

and this is my AndroidManifest file

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:installLocation="auto">
  <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="15" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <application android:label="GoogleTestApps.Droid">
    <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.maps.v2.API_KEY" android:value="Key" />
    <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

this is what is shown on the emulator

How to make an image slider


Hello ,
I'm new Mobile Devolpoer I started with xamarin android,
I'm trying to make a homepage that contain image sliders similler to the attached image

it will be located at the bottom and the page contain other elments (Button and a map ) that I don't want it to slide as the image sliding action happen.

Could you please guide me and provide advice on how do it , that would be helpful
thank you




A virtualized collection view that utilizes native layout controls to present an ordered set of data items using a flexible and changeable layout. The portable control must be bindable, support item templating and (optionally) support section headers.

Platform renderers would be based on the following native controls:

  • iOS: UICollectionView
  • Android: RecyclerView
  • UWP: GridView

UI virtualization is achieved in each of the native controls ensuring fast performance with large datasets.

API Changes

/// <summary>
/// A grid-like view to present an ordered set of data items using a flexible and changeable layout.
/// </summary>
public class CollectionView : View
    #region Bindable Properties

    /// <summary>
    /// The property bound to <see cref="Padding"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty PaddingProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(Padding),
           returnType: typeof(Thickness),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(Thickness));

    /// <summary>
    /// The property bound to <see cref="RowSpacing"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty RowSpacingProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(RowSpacing),
           returnType: typeof(double),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(double));

    /// <summary>
    /// The property bound to <see cref="ColumnSpacing"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty ColumnSpacingProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(ColumnSpacing),
           returnType: typeof(double),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(double));

    /// <summary>
    /// Property bound to <see cref="MaxItemWidth"/>
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty MaxItemWidthProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(MaxItemWidth),
           returnType: typeof(double),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(double));

    /// <summary>
    /// Property bound to <see cref="MinItemWidth"/>
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty MinItemWidthProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(MinItemWidth),
           returnType: typeof(double),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(double));

    /// <summary>
    /// Property bound to <see cref="RowHeight"/>
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty RowHeightProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(RowHeight),
           returnType: typeof(double),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(double));

    /// <summary>
    /// The property bound to <see cref="ItemsSource"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(ItemsSource),
           returnType: typeof(IEnumerable),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(IEnumerable));

    /// <summary>
    /// Property bound to <see cref="ItemTemplate"/>
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(ItemTemplate),
           returnType: typeof(DataTemplate),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(DataTemplate));

    /// <summary>
    /// Property bound to <see cref="SectionHeaderTemplate"/>
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty SectionHeaderTemplateProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(SectionHeaderTemplate),
           returnType: typeof(DataTemplate),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(DataTemplate));

    /// <summary>
    /// Property bound to <see cref="SectionHeaderHeight"/>
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty SectionHeaderHeightProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(SectionHeaderHeight),
           returnType: typeof(double),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: default(double));

    /// <summary>
    /// Property bound to <see cref="Direction"/>
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly BindableProperty DirectionProperty =
           propertyName: nameof(Direction),
           returnType: typeof(CollectionViewDirection),
           declaringType: typeof(CollectionView),
           defaultValue: CollectionViewDirection.Vertical);


Intended Use Case

The most common use would be to present items in a grid arrangement, although the control could be configurable to present items as a vertical or horizontal list. The control is intended for applications where a bindable, virtualized collection view layout is required that is not served by any of the existing Xamarin.Forms controls.


  • Responsive, grid-based layout eg. Photo album, search results
  • Horizontal layouts
  • Custom layouts ie. Circle, flow.

App works in Debug not in release


Hi guys i am having serious issues publishing my application and installing it as a apk file. I have followed the guide of preparing an application for release


The application works fine when debugging on the device but for some reason the apk that i install always crashes.

Attached is my logcat, if anyone could possibly help I would greatly appreciate it
It looks to be somewhere around these lines, but i have no idea what it means

UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.NotSupportedException: CodePage 1252 not supported
11-06 13:48:48.310: I/MonoDroid(4845): at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding (Int32 codepage) [0x00000] in :0

Thanks in advance

I got "Could not find 7zip.exe in xamarin installation" error


Hi all,
Does anyone know what to do? This error only occur in the IOS version of my xamarin.forms project.
Everything was running fine until I installed nuget package for WindowsAzure.MobileServices (Microsoft.Bcl,Microsoft.Bcl.Build,Microsoft.Net.Http)

Even If I remove those packages, I've got this error...

Is it possible to grab a screenshot of part of the screen


Using Xamarin.UITests app.screenshot is great in UITests.

I was wondering how it was possible to take part of part of the screen.

The reason for this is take screenshots of graphs and do a pixel comparison on it. so I will need to grab a particular part of the screen.

Is there a way I can pass in some coordinates or something like that?

Unable to load DLL 'libglib-2.0-0.dll"


I am developing a GTK# application and I experience a problem when attempting to develop between Linux and Windows.

After a while, I always get the following run-time error when launching the debugger in Xamarin Studio on Windows:

I have checked the project as much as I can and as far as I can tell it shouldn't be looking for version 2.0-0 of libglib:

Is anyone here able to shed some light on this error? The only way around it I've found so far is to start a new project in Xamarin Studio and then copy all my source code and classes over!



System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping BUG (Always returns Ttl Expired even when Timeout or Unreachable)


can be found at mono/Ping.cs (line 339)
That calls the system ping command and checks the exit code:

if (!ping.WaitForExit (timeout) || (ping.HasExited && ping.ExitCode == 2))
    status = IPStatus.TimedOut;
else if (ping.ExitCode == 0)
    status = IPStatus.Success;
else if (ping.ExitCode == 1)
    status = IPStatus.TtlExpired;

So TTL expired is set when there was no timeout, no error or success (exit code 2 or 0), and the exit code was 1.

If ping does not receive any reply packets at all it will exit with code 1. If a packet count and deadline are both specified, and fewer than count packets are received by the time the deadline has arrived, it will also exit with code 1. On other error it exits with code 2. Otherwise it exits with code 0. This makes it possible to use the exit code to see if a host is alive or not.

So a return value of 1 indicates that no response has been received (for various reasons) and the Mono implementation sets the TTL expired status in this case. I would expect that a time out status would be returned in such cases. But it seems that the timeout detection of the Mono implementation is not triggered here (e.g. because the ping command exits upon on it's own timeout before).

So there are two other possible solutions:

To treat a TTL expired as host not alive (but this will then ignore ignore real TTL expired detections)

Please fix ASAP this is very very annoying . It should be there a IPStatus for :

Destination Host Unreachable , Timeout , Destination Network Unreachable and ect ....

Setting height of WebView dynamically



I have random HTML content coming from service which I am displaying in a webview in a xamarin forms application. Now, I want to adjust the height of this webview as per the content.

Currently I am setting the height based on the length of HTML but it does not give correct results.

Can you suggest an alternate way to achieve the same?


iOS Enterprise App Install - Entitlelments error


HI Guys

We are deploying an enterprise app as the last leg of our development and we are getting a really strange error that does not let the app to install on a device. it goes to 80% and it disappears.

We made sure bundle id is correct on both the solution settings, provisioning profile is imported to xcode and selected in xamarin settings. however, when creating the app id, by default we see in-app purchases and game center enabled which we can not change. in the app log, we get some type of entitlement error.

not sure if anyone came across this and whether there is a workaround for this, for a week now we ve been banging our heads trying the steps over and over (creating different profiles, editing them, import delete etc but with no luck)

i have attached a log file, maybe someone came across a solution.


run application with root privileges when a user run the application


is there a way to prompt the user/pass and get file access etc..
i need to write files and create launch daemon but i need root privileges for doing it

How to create Xamarin Menu Item like Youtube


Hi everyone,

How can I design a menu item like Youtube app as below screenshots





I'm using Content Pages embed in a Tabbed Page as below code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TabbedPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    <ContentPage Title="Tab 1">
            <ToolbarItem Name="MenuItem1" Order="Primary" Icon="Microsoft.png" Text="Item 1" Priority="0" />
            <ToolbarItem Name="MenuItem2" Order="Secondary" Icon="Xamarin.png" Text="Item 2" Priority="1" />
    <ContentPage Title="Tab 2">
            <ToolbarItem Name="MenuItem1" Order="Primary" Icon="Microsoft.png" Text="Item 1" Priority="0" />
            <ToolbarItem Name="MenuItem2" Order="Secondary" Icon="Xamarin.png" Text="Item 2" Priority="1" />

I don't know whether this approach is correct? Is there any other approach better than this one?

=== Updated ====

Another question: With kind of this UI should I go with xamarin.forms or native?

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