I have a simple MT.D view. On it are two radio groups set up like this (with the events)
var advancedLog = new RadioElement(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Log.Advanced"), "logging");
var basicLog = new RadioElement(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Log.Basic"), "logging");
var logFunctionSettings = new Section(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Log.Message"))
advancedLog, basicLog,
advancedLog.Tapped += logTapped(true);
basicLog.Tapped += logTapped();
var textHigh = new RadioElement(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Text.High"), "text");
var textMedium = new RadioElement(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Text.Medium"), "text");
var textLow = new RadioElement(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Text.Low"), "text");
var textRestrictSettings = new Section(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Text.Message"))
textHigh, textMedium, textLow,
textHigh.Tapped += textTapped(2);
textMedium.Tapped += textTapped(1);
textLow.Tapped += textTapped();
The root element looks like this
var mainSettings = new Section()
new RootElement(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Main.Text"), new RadioGroup("text", 0))
new RootElement(StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Main.Logging"), new RadioGroup("logging", 0))
When the MT.D is shown, the events are fired immediately despite them not being tapped. I'm running the latest alpha version so would like to check this before filing a bug report.
The events look like this
private NSAction logTapped(bool basic = false)
string title = StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Log.Title");
string message = StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Log.Common.Message");
string button = StringUtils.GetString("Common.OK");
if (!basic)
message += "\n\n" + StringUtils.GetString("UserSettings.MTD.Log.Advanced.Message1") + "\n\n" +
UIUtils.createAlert(title, message, true, button);
return null;
UIUtils.createAlert is a wrapper for UIAlert, StringUtils.GetString just grabs the string from the localisation file.