Hi everyone,
I'm trying to do a XYGraph for an iOS application using the CorePlot component but I can't manage to make an axis Floating. What I want is keeping the axis line always at the same position when the user touches and drags the screen.
I've got this code.
var axisSet = (CPTXYAxisSet) graph.AxisSet;
// Label x with a fixed interval policy
var x = axisSet.XAxis;
x.LabelingPolicy = CPTAxisLabelingPolicy.Automatic;
x.MinorTicksPerInterval = 4;
x.PreferredNumberOfMajorTicks = 8;
x.MajorGridLineStyle = major;
x.MinorGridLineStyle = minor;
x.Title = "X Axis";
x.TitleOffset = 25f;
// Label y with an automatic label policy.
var y = axisSet.YAxis;
y.LabelingPolicy = CPTAxisLabelingPolicy.Automatic;
y.MinorTicksPerInterval = 4;
y.PreferredNumberOfMajorTicks = 8;
y.MajorGridLineStyle = major;
y.MinorGridLineStyle = minor;
y.LabelOffset = -6f;
y.Title = "Weight";
y.TitleOffset = -30f;
//Make the Y axis start on number 40
x.OrthogonalCoordinateDecimal = NSDecimalNumber.FromFloat(40.0f).NSDecimalValue;
plotspace.GetPlotRange (CPTCoordinate.X).Location = NSDecimalNumber.FromFloat(40.0f).NSDecimalValue;
//Format the Y axis sufix " Kg"
NSNumberFormatter newFormatter = new NSNumberFormatter();
newFormatter.MinimumIntegerDigits = 1;
newFormatter.PositiveSuffix = " Kg";
y.LabelFormatter = newFormatter;
And the graph is shown properly like this.
but when the user scrolls to the up-right the axis are not visible
Now I want to make the axis always visible. I've found some Objective-C examples that use the instruction:
y.axisConstraints = [CPTConstraints constraintWithLowerOffset:0.0];
But I can't find the "axisConstraints" property in a CPTXYAxis object.
I've also tried with the instruction x.IsFloatingAxis = true;
but it makes the app to crash.
If anyone could help me to show floating axis I would be very pleased. Thank you in advance.