This is with iOS-7.
Device updated over the air with the final iOS 7, not the GM. My app, built with the iOS-6 Xamarin stack works nicely in 7. Updated XCode through AppStore to version 5 Updated Xamarin using the stable channel. Recompiled, rebuilt everything targetting iOS-7. => Major trouble with gestures...
The "return true" below never gets called.
this.LeftSwipe = new UISwipeGestureRecognizer() { Direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Left , Enabled = false };
this.LeftSwipe.AddTarget(() => { this.HandleLeftSwipe(this.LeftSwipe); });
this.LeftSwipe.ShouldRecognizeSimultaneously = delegate
return true;
This sometimes works, not always, not for all GR.
this.RightSwipe = new UISwipeGestureRecognizer() { Direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Right , Enabled = false };
this.RightSwipe.AddTarget(() => { this.HandleRightSwipe(this.RightSwipe); } );
this.RightSwipe.ShouldRecognizeSimultaneously = this.AlwaysTrueGestureProbe ;
private bool AlwaysTrueGestureProbe ( UIGestureRecognizer r1 , UIGestureRecognizer r2 )
return true;
All this stuff used to work perfectly. And the old iOS-6 app still works perfectly in 7.
The latest update has broken something with anon's, delegates.. ??? Any idea?