Visual Studio 2012 with the latest 1.8 plugin has no problem deploying to the simulator on the connected mac. However attempting to deploy to a connected iPhone device does not work. Once I connect the iPhone to the connected Mac it shows up in the Xamarin iOS toolbar drop down. I then either right click on the project and select deploy or hit F5 with Debug and iPhone selected in configurations and platforms drop downs and I get the same exception in the build output:
1>System.InvalidOperationException: The operation cannot be completed because a build is already in progress. 1> at Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidOperation(String resourceName, Object[] args) 1> at Microsoft.Build.Execution.BuildManager.BeginBuild(BuildParameters parameters) 1> at Microsoft.Build.Execution.BuildManager.Build(BuildParameters parameters, BuildRequestData requestData) 1> at Mono.IOS.VisualStudio.MonoTouchDeploySession.RemoteBuild(VSBuildServerClient server, Project project, IVsOutputWindowPane outputPane, MonoTouchProgressNotifier notifier)========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
How can this be possible, there should be no other build in progress. I have only one Visual Studio instance opened, which is all you can use with a connected Mac and the Build Host. Visual Studio will only build one at a time, and will not build the same project more than once at the same time.
I have closed Visual Studio and reopened it with the same results several times.