Hi there,
I have a SQLite database file that I have a default version of in my Resources directory that is set to copy to the output directory on build.
On app startup I check to see if the user already has my sqlite database file in place if not I want to copy the default file from the resource directory to the user's Library\Application Support directory which I understand is where my sandboxed application can store user data.
What I've not been able to work out programatically is where is my Resource directory path is so I can issue a copy command. I looked at NSHomeWindow() and sample code
public static extern IntPtr NSHomeDirectory();
public static string ContainerDirectory
return ((NSString)ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(NSHomeDirectory())).ToString();
And am assuming that I use ContainerDirectory as the string representation? However that doesn't seem to point to where my Resources folder is when the app is running.