I am learning about Azure Mobile Services and trying to follow along to a slightly older tutorial. I built a simple API backed in asp.net core that returns the following JSON from the URL: https://somebackend.azurewebsites.net/api/todo
I have an on_click method that I am trying to use to retrieve this data.
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices;
private async void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
message.Text = "Loading items...";
MobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient("https://somebackend.azurewebsites.net/api/todo");
var items = await client.GetTable<TodoItem>().ReadAsync();
var item = items.First();
message.Text = item.Text;
The GetTable line is where everything is breaking. Is that line trying to do a GET request on tables/todoitem ....or is it sending the request from my URL? Am I retrieving this incorrectly? It doesn't work on either Android or iOS simulators, and debugging in VS just says error...but not very helpful. I am not exactly sure how to debug the incoming request from my simulators.
In the attached project, I have the backend that I uploaded to Azure, as well as the Xamarin project.