I have this Behavior I would set a label when the regex is match, my regex works fine, the color on entry change.
But for the label i would set, I don't know how use the bindable properties.
const string labelDefault = "Email isn't correct, please modify";
const string labelValid = "Email is correct, please connect you";
static readonly BindablePropertyKey isValidLabel = BindableProperty.CreateReadOnly("IsValidLabel", typeof(string), typeof(LoginBehavior), labelDefault);
public static readonly BindableProperty IsValidProperty = isValidLabel.BindableProperty;
public string IsValidLabel
get { return (string)GetValue(IsValidProperty); }
private set { SetValue(isValidLabel, value); }
void OnEntryTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
Regex regex = new Regex(emailRegex);
bool isValid = regex.IsMatch(args.NewTextValue);
((Entry)sender).TextColor = isValid ? Color.Default : Color.Red;
this.IsValidLabel = labelValid;
<StackLayout Padding="15">
<Image Source="dose_landauer.png"/>
<Label Text="Login"/>
<Entry Text="{Binding User.Username}"
Placeholder="Username" x:Name="entryUsernameConnection">
<Label Text="Password"/>
<Entry Text="{Binding User.Password}"
IsPassword="True" x:Name="entryPwdConnection">
<Label Text="{Binding IsValidProperty}">
<Button Text="Login" Command="{Binding ClickLogin}"/>