I have spend more than 60% of my time since the release of IOS7 just fixing bugs in MT.D code, I test on one device all works ok, run on another device and it is full of layout issues.
I am fed up with just bug fixing, I submitted a bug a while back with a demo project that shows certain issues and one person has had a look at it and nothing done, I have lost all faith in xamarin now, I was about to move over to android with xamarin and I am not now, I am going to code with googles own stuff I love what xamarin are trying to do but they seem to be move focused on 'new' features rather than a stable platform, unfortunately for me this is no good.
Latest issues tested my latest version of the app with 40+ testers with a range of devices, tested a very specific function, a week of user testing and everyone saying yes its good, so I submit to Apple it gets approved, the feature does not work on the app store version but all the testers version are working perfectly. My other app had something very similar happen, both bits of code used the System.IO functions a rebuild (no code changes) and resubmit to Apple and the problem goes away, so I can only conclude that that the compiler messed up somewhere.
I am trying to run a business and it is not working out with xamarin which is a real shame, I have been writing in C# since the day Microsoft put it out for beta testing in visual studio, a lot of the code used in the apps has been ported from a very successful windows app that just runs without issue, but put that code into an xamarin project and a whole world of problems ensues down the line.
sorry for the rant, but I look like an idiot in front of the people that have purchased my app.
All The Best