I am struggling to solve this.
I have UItextview in UITableviewCell. For Example, My table contain 10 records and In my frame 4 records can view. When I scroll my table another records are display by cell reuse. My problem here, when I type the text in first cell's textview , It will display in fifth cell textview too when I scroll. Like the same If I type in second cell,It will display in 6th cell textview too. I think problem in cell reuse.
**_ CommentCustomCell cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(cellIdentifier) as CommentCustomCell;
if (cell == null)
cell = new CommentCustomCell (cellIdentifier);
cell.UpdateCell (indexedTableItems [keys [indexPath.Section]] [indexPath.Row].userName, indexedTableItems [keys [indexPath.Section]] [indexPath.Row].body, indexedTableItems [keys [indexPath.Section]] [indexPath.Row].creationdate, null, indexedTableItems [keys [indexPath.Section]] [indexPath.Row].likes.ToString (), indexedTableItems [keys [indexPath.Section]] [indexPath.Row].disLikes.ToString (), tableView, indexPath);
//To assign the selected Row Color
UIView BGViewColor = new UIView ();
BGViewColor.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Orange; //or whatever color you want.
BGViewColor.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
cell.SelectedBackgroundView = BGViewColor;
_** return cell;
This is my code. Please help me to solve this. Thanks in advance.