Hi @RolfBjarneKvinge wondering if you could help me out with this issue. Been using code from your AudioQueueOfflineRenderDemo for some time now and it has been working great. However, been having some issues when trying to convert audio in the background on iOS 7. Problem is the code works fine when the app is running but fails to convert when called from the background. I tried enabling the iOS 7 background modes by adding the audio key and even tried the background tasks but nothing helps. Is it still possible to convert audio in the background on iOS 7?
The attached zip file contains a modified version of AudioQueueOfflineRenderDemo that allows the audio to convert on DidEnterBackground (only changes are those in the AppDelegate as seen in Gist link below). If you run the app and click the "Render audio" element, it renders and plays the audio just fine. Now, close/kill the app. Open it again and minimize it for ConvertAudio() to get called from DidEnterBackground. This time the code reaches RenderAudio() but will loop until it gets killed by iOS.
AppDelegate Gist: https://gist.github.com/dannycabrera/7800212
Thanks for the help, DannyC