Hi, i can't build my solution...
If I start the Build host I get this in the log: mtbservergui.log
[11-Dec-2013 09:04:12] Activation error: Initial entitlements: iOS Business 2014-06-10 13:25:11Z [11-Dec-2013 09:04:12] Activation error: Running license sync for iOS [11-Dec-2013 09:04:12] Error: Couldn't enable mtbserver: 0 [11-Dec-2013 09:04:12] Normal: Starting RefreshStatus : full : True showSpinner : True [11-Dec-2013 09:04:12] Normal: RefreshStatus Completed. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:14] Activation error: Building request for POST to https://activation.xamarin.com/api/studio.ashx?token=a1c70f8bbb7d4ab&guid=4bbb6585&product=MT, with content length 672 and content type text/plain, without cookie. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:15] Activation error: Built request for POST to https://activation.xamarin.com/api/studio.ashx?token=a1c70f8a80bbb586c7d4ab&guid=465bbb4101305f85185&product=MT, request ID: 1111156. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:15] Activation error: Executing request 1212803456. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:16] Activation error: Wrote request stream for request 1212803456. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:17] Activation error: Got response -851428864 for request -851428864. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:17] Activation error: Reading response -851428864. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:17] Activation error: Read response stream for response -851428864. [11-Dec-2013 09:04:17] Activation error: Updated license: iOS Business 06/10/2014 13:25:11
Building the solution in VS works, but it says "Debugging session ended", if I click "play". In the debug window it shows me this: [...] Remote build finished... Debugging session ended. [...] after that: The program '[5144] MyAppiOS.vshost.exe: Managed (v2.0.50727)' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).
Remote build finished. Does this mean the build at my mac worked? I do not have log files for a specific build session...