Title: Portable Class Library Deep Dive
Date: December 16th 2013
Event Link: http://www.meetup.com/Houston-Xamarin-C-Mobile-Developers-Group/events/153103762/
PCL Deep Dive: With a single solution in Visual Studio, build native cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and Windows all in C#. Dive into platform specific code with Service Locators (IoC) an PCL support
Slides: http://slideshare.net/JamesMontemagno/pcl-deep-dive
Code: https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/PlanetXamarin/tree/HoustonPCLDeepDive
Notes: Walked through creating and using Portable Class Libraries inside of Visual Studio to read in http://planet.xamarin.com/rss feed, parse, and display cross platform from one PCL on Android, iOS, WP, and Windows 8. After this we walked through Inversion of Control, what it is, why you need it, and how to add platform specific code through interfaces. I wrapped up the demo showing of Xamarin Studio on the Mac and how to create PCLs and add NuGets with the NuGet plugin.