I've been working on porting a multi-platform (Win/WinPhone) app to Android and iOS using Visual Studio 2013 and Xamarin. I have been able to build and deploy my app using the Xamarin.iOS build host on my Mac for the past week or so. All of the sudden I can no longer deploy the app (to a device or the simulator). I can still build/deploy the HelloWorld iOS app just fine.
I've only added half a dozen classes, with maybe a few hundred lines of code total, since it was working. I also added the ModernHttpClient component from the Xamarin component store (which includes AFNetworking, which isn't exactly small). I've tried pulling ModernHttpClient/AFNetworking, but that had no effect.
When building my app on the Visual Studio client I see:
1>Done building target "_PrepareApplicationBundle" in project "MaaasClientIOS.csproj".
1>Target "_BuildNativeApplication" in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.MonoTouch.Common.targets" from project "C:\Users\Bob\dev\Maaas\MaaasClient\MaaasClientIOS\MaaasClientIOS.csproj" (target "_RemoteBuild" depends on it):
1>Server command 'UploadChanges': failed to upload changes to the server
1>Command execution task ended with exception
1>Exception System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out.
1>Exception details can be found in the log file
1>Remote build step failed.
1>Done building target "_BuildNativeApplication" in project "MaaasClientIOS.csproj" -- FAILED.
1>Done building project "MaaasClientIOS.csproj" -- FAILED.
1>Build FAILED.
And when checking the mtbserver.log file on my Mac I see a bunch of correct looking steps and then:
[28-Dec-2013 01:26:54] Handling with command: [UploadChanges: CommmandUrl=UploadChanges] (12)
[28-Dec-2013 01:26:54] Attempting to acquire command execution lock, timeout set to 00:10:00
And then nothing after that.
I'm not sure what that lock is waiting for, but even with two relatively decent machines (the Windows machine is a Surface Pro and the Mac is a 2.5Ghz i7 8Gb MacBook Pro) the builds are not exactly smoking (the full deployment of my app when it was working was easily a minute plus). These machines are sitting next to each other and are connected via a very reliable and high speed wifi connection (they're connected to the same AP).
Before I started trying to prune my app back a file at a time to see if I could get it to work, I thought it would be good to see if someone who knew what it was timing out on could take a look at this. I'd heard horror stories about Xamarin kind of falling apart once apps got to a real-world size, but was pretty skeptical of that until now.
I am up to date on the "stable" channel on Windows and running Xamarin.iOS on the build server.
At this point I'm stuck.