I stated to use Xamarin.iOS, and the first app i'm trying to build is a Notes App, just like defult Apple Notes app.
I'm using the recipe from Xamarin Recipes, and used UITableView to show the data, and TableSource class to manage cells and items.
The problem start when I want to save the data, so I will be able to load the notes after reopen the app. I'm using ADO.Net, and its working well. I tried to save the data to table contains to columns: ID & Text.
The issue is how to work with the DB table and at the same time with the UITableView. For example: I loaded few items, let say that they will get the ID from Db: 1, 2, 3, same as they are in UITableView indexpath. Now i'm deleting item number 2, and than item that was num 3, is now 2 in TableViwe.
When trying to access and edit item number 2(old 3) - Cant find him in the DB.
The reason for the problem is known, but how to fix it - I really dont know.
Any suggestion will be great.
Thanks, Tal.