I have problem with configure Portable Class Library support on Xamarin Studio. It seems like some profiles in Project Options->Build->General are missing. I cannot set Target Frameworks for Android, iOS and Windows Phone in the same time. As I saw in 'Introduction to Portable Class Libraries' there should be possible. What system component is responsible for target profiles?
I spent a lot of hours to make PCL working in Xamarin Studio. I try to configure PCL in Xamarin Studio without installing Visual Studio (any version). I wonder if it's even possible? What I've done till now:
- Installing Xamarin for Windows /starter edition/ (Xamarin Studio 4.2.2, Xamarin.Android 4.10.1)
- Installing Mono MDK (http://download.mono-project.com/archive/3.2.3/windows-installer/mono-3.2.3-gtksharp-2.12.11-win32-0.exe)
- Installing PortableLibraryTools.exe (with /buildmachine argument)
- Installing NetFx_PortableLibraryReferenceAssemblies46.exe
- Installing .NET 4.5 framework I'm not quite sure about order, because I tried a lot of possiblities.
How to configure Xamarin Studio (starter) to use PCL for Android,iOS and Windows Phone? (What system components should be installed)
Thanks in advance!