As I'm currently developing my first iOS app, I'm really fresh in this iOS developing thing, and I just got stuck in this problem that I just can't solve, and I hope that I could get some help from you guys :)
The thing is: I have this URL "Content/tour.html?startscene=scene_15Cruzeiro" and it won't open as the UIWebView returns me a blank white page, but if I remove the startscene parameter tour.html gets loaded w/out any problems.
I need that parameter so that I can change some stuff in the site :P
I'm leaving here the code I'm using that loads the UIWebView:
string url1 = "Content/tour.html"; // remember case-sensitive
string url2 = "?startscene=scene_15Cruzeiro";
string final = string.Format (@"{0}/{1}{2}", NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath, url1, url2);
webView.LoadRequest(new NSUrlRequest(new NSUrl(final, false)));
Any ideas?