Hi, I'm fairly new to IOS development and I've been struggling with this problem the pas few days. I'm using a TabBar to control the navigation for my app, but I want to be able to swipe between views, and also have a slide animation. I've managed to add a basic transition for when my tabBar item is clicked, but I really want a sliding animation.
public tabBarController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle) { ShouldSelectViewController = (tabBarController, controller) => { if (SelectedViewController == null || controller == SelectedViewController) return true;
UIView fromView = SelectedViewController.View;
UIView toView = controller.View;
//control for swipes in here
UIView.Transition (fromView, toView, .3f, UIViewAnimationOptions.TransitionFlipFromLeft, null);
return true;
Any help would be greatly appreciated