I am retrieving this JSON data from my database...
{"products":[{"pid":"6","name":"Cheese","price":"$2.75","description":"Sharp Cheddar","created_at":"2013-08-21 11:38:37","updated_at":"2013-08-21 11:38:37"},{"pid":"5","name":"Milk","price":"$3.00","description":"1 gallon whole milk ","created_at":"2013-08-21 01:20:27","updated_at":"2013-08-21 01:20:27"},{"pid":"3","name":"Refined Sugar","price":"$5.00","description":"Dixie Crystal","created_at":"2013-08-20 20:23:06","updated_at":"2013-08-21 15:42:09"},{"pid":"4","name":"Unsalted Butter","price":"$4.00","description":"Unsalted butter","created_at":"2013-08-20 20:24:02","updated_at":"2013-08-21 15:41:51"}],"success":1}
I am calling the url and loading it into resource layout textview defined in ItemView.axml with this code...
namespace CallRestService { [Activity (Label = "CallRestService", MainLauncher = true)] public class Activity1 : ListActivity { protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate (bundle); string url = "http://mywebserver.com/myproductsrest/get_all_products.php"; var httpReq = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create (new Uri (url)); httpReq.BeginGetResponse ((ar) => { var request = (HttpWebRequest)ar.AsyncState; using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse (ar)) { var s = response.GetResponseStream (); var j = (JsonObject)JsonObject.Load (s); var results = (from result in (JsonArray)j ["products"] let jResult = result as JsonObject select jResult ["name"].ToString()).ToArray (); RunOnUiThread (() => { ListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter (this, Resource.Layout.ItemView, results); }); } }, httpReq); } } }
The app loads fine and displays the list of items, however, they are all surrounded by double quotes.
Is there something easy to add/remove to trim the quotes out?
I know I should probably be creating a product class that implements a list, and then load the list from the object, but in this case, I don't want to use the extra memory. I just want to make a quick list.
Thanks in advance.