Hi i am developing ios app, it is tab based app. i have 3 tabs. in the 3rd tab , i have implemented navigation controller so that i can traverse between different view controllers with navigation bar at the top ( to go back etc..) (If the user selects Tab3)--> myFirstView Controller ( as table view) ( if the user selects the any table row for details) --> Detailed view controller for the selected table row ( displays details along with two buttons) ( if the users clicks on button1)-> display button1 related view controller. in the above if the user clicks on button2--> display the button2 related view controller. it is working fine till the the step "Detailed view controller for the selected table row". When the user clicks on the button1 ( on the detailed view controller) it is displaying the button1realted controller. here is the code: for displaying the button1relatedcontroller . button1.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { Button1RealtedViewController button1realtedVC = new Button1RealtedViewController();
UINavigationController navcon = (UINavigationController)myTabBarController.SelectedViewController; navcon.PushViewController(button1realtedVC , true); }
the problem is after the clicking on the button "button1", Button1RealtedViewController realted view controller is not dispalying still displaying the Detailed view controller only. please advice how to achieve this