I know this has been covered before and I've found many examples of how to 'get around' the issue that you supposedly cannot easily set the first item of a spinner manually to something like "Select Option" when you're attaching adapter data, but I'll ask here again.
I simply want my spinner to say "Select Option" at some point (either before or after loading data). I want this text inside of the spinner control instead of a textview above it. Obviously, I don't want the "Select Option" in my dataset at any point.
Also, I have a second spinner that should only become active after the first spinner value is chosen. The data in this spinner will be filled by a second adapter that will use the value of the first spinner to create the list from a REST source.
I do understand that the real solution could be to use a grid or listview instead of a spinner as I've seen a lot of folks having spinner trouble.
Thanks in advance.