Hi folks,
Let making an app where it shows my current location and updates when i do a jog.
I understand that MKMapView is for display a map and plotting a dot or poly on it. I'm not sure if the MKMapView has anything to do with CLLocationManager's?
I'm asking this because i'm trying to do the following:
- When the GPS location changes to more than 10 meters, then fire an event saying the location has changed.
- When the user zooms in or out, fire another event.
Right now, I can see that you can set the accuracy on an instance of a CLLocationManager but I can't find that on the MKMapView?
Also, i can't find any event that is fired when the map zooms in or out.
I feel like the MKMapView is a magical class that hides a CLLocationMamager inside it and some low level iOs mapping view stuff also.
Can anyone help?
is the MKMapView for simple mapping stuff and for rendering a map ... while the CLLocationManager is for advanced mapping settings and background location magic but there's a trick (which I don't know) to bring these together?