I have an application that I am porting from java to Xamarin.Android. The minimum version is API 10, target version is API 16, and I'm trying to use ActionBarSherlock. I have ported all of the code except for in-app purchases and ActionBarSherlock. Application builds fine, but as soon as I add the ActionBarSherlock component, I get this build error:
Error XA5207: Please install package: 'Android Support Library' available in SDK installer. Java library file support/v4/android-support-v4.jar doesn't exist. (XA5207)
Yes, I have added the android support library. The SDK Manager shows it as being installed. I've even uninstalled it and reinstalled it. I even see the .jar file in the android sdk directory. I still get this build error.
I've also tried creating a simple project that is nothing but the 'Android Application' project template, then adding ActionBarSherlock. I received the same error message.
Any idea what the problem is?
Xamarin Studio - 4.2.2
Xamarin.Android - 4.8.3 (can't update because of an issue with the latest version of Xamarin.Android)
Java version - 1.6.0_31
Windows 7