I'm writing a single screen app that uses a 4 component UI picker. It all works fine in the IOS Simulator. I'm not being clever and am happy for it to work portrait only and size up on the ipad.
When I debug on my non retina iPad all the labels are fine except the UIPicker display is wrong. The first component starts mid way across the screen and the other three components are displayed overlaid on top of each other to the LEFT of the first component. The Picker works - I can select rows in the first component and the other labels update based on the selection - but the display is well messed up.
I am controlling the width of the components so I can match the contents and fit everything on the screen
public override float GetComponentWidth (UIPickerView p, int component) { if (component == 0) { return 160F; } else { return 50F; } }
I"ve created the interface using the Xamarin Xcode XIB link. I'm not doing anything to handle different display resolutions - should I be?
Any and all ideas gratefully received. Thanks.