Ok so this is weird.
I have a DialogViewController with RadioGroups and I did an experiment. If I load the RadioElements inside a RadioGroup programmatically with an async method, the back button disappears. Here's the code:
public partial class RadioGroupTest : DialogViewController { public RadioGroupTest() : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null) { this.BuildRadioGroups(); } private async void BuildRadioGroups() { Root = new RootElement("Settings") { new Section (){ new RootElement("Element A", new RadioGroup(0)){ new Section ("Choose Element A"){ new RadioElement ("Element A1"), new RadioElement ("Element A2"), new RadioElement ("Element A3"), new RadioElement ("Element A4"), }, }, new RootElement("Element B", new RadioGroup(0)){ new Section ("Choose Element B"){ new RadioElement ("Element B1"), new RadioElement ("Element B2"), new RadioElement ("Element B3"), new RadioElement ("Element B4"), }, }, new RootElement("Element C", new RadioGroup(0)){ await this.BuildElementCSection("Clients"), }, } }; } private async Task BuildElementCSection(string groupName) { Section mySection = new Section("Select the Owner"); try { List myElements = new List(); List elementList = await vw_ClientsCustomersManager.GetClientsCustomers(); foreach (vw_ClientsCustomers customer in elementList) myElements.Add(new MyRadioElement(customer.CustomersName, customer.CustomersClientUID, groupName)); mySection.AddAll(myElements); } catch (Exception ex) { new UIAlertView("Error", ex.Message, null, "OK", null).Show(); } return mySection; } }
Under "Element C" I load RadioElements programmatically. This happens through a function that reads from the database asynchronously, therefore I have to use the await
When the dialog loads and I tap on any of my radio groups, it goes inside the list and there is a back button. Now, if I tap on any of the radio groups, it goes inside the list and the back button is gone!
BUT........if I slide the finger where the back button is supposed to be: the back button reappears!!
This doesn't happen if I load all my elements without an async function.
Any ideas???