I need a list in my application where the list entries should be clickable headlines. Before each group of 1-x entries there should be a line displayed where the creation date of the following entries is displayed. If an item is clicked it should expand with an animation and grow in size. It should push the other elements below it down in the list until it has reached full size and the expand animation has ended.
It is possible that the list contains hundreds of elements.
The next challenge is that the 'body' of an item contains two images and up to 10 text views which i consider relatively complex considering that there could be thousand or more items in the list.
The list will be placed in a fragment which is displayed in a page of a ViewPager.
I've been thinking about the problem a few days and came to this point:
ExpandableListView Not exactly what i need, because the Group headlines (dates of entries created) should be always expanded and the child views (headlines with invisible content until click) should be expandable.
ListView Seems the best option at the moment. But should i use a fragment for every list item? Looks a bit like overhead. But how else could i do that?
LinearLayout Creating a custom list with LinearLayout and animations to create a solution. Disadvantage is that i would loose all the optimisation done by ListView automatically or have to reimplement it.
I appreciate any advice.
Kind regards Hannes