So, I finally finished my first cross platform app, and now I'm getting ready to publish to the app store.
Looking through the Xamarin Image documentation regarding images, I have come to the conclusion that I will need to create a lot of images.
My app will support the following platforms: iOS 6.1 & iOS 7 for iPhone (Retina) in portrait and landscape mode. This will include iPhone 3GS and newer.
I think I will need the following images:
Application Icon: 60x60, 120x120, 57x57, 114x114 Spotlight Search Result (optional): 40x40, 80x80, 29x29, 58x58 iTunes Image: 512x512, 320x480, 640x960, 1024x1024 Launch Image: 320x480, 640x960, 640x1136 Images with Controls: Standard, @2x
Does this list look complete?
How do you all go about this? I'm a programmer not an artist, and at the moment I only have the application icon for 120x120.
The Images with Controls Is no problem because I find these on the internet, but the others I will have to create myself!