I Got code sample about show current location,
its shows on map but not setregion and close cam without push a button.
// Show the user location this.mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
// Assign a delegate object to the map view
this.mapView.Delegate = new MapViewDelegate();
addPin.Clicked+= delegate
CLLocationCoordinate2D mapCoordinate = this.mapView.UserLocation.Location.Coordinate;
// Set the map region
this.mapView.SetRegion(MKCoordinateRegion.FromDistance (mapCoordinate, 1000, 1000), true);
// Create and add an annotation to the map
MKPointAnnotation myAnnotation = new MKPointAnnotation();
myAnnotation.Coordinate = mapCoordinate;
myAnnotation.Title = "MyAnnotation";
myAnnotation.Subtitle = "Standard annotation";
private class MapViewDelegate : MKMapViewDelegate
public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
// Determine the annotation we want to provide a view for.
if (annotation is MKUserLocation)
return null;
} else
string reuseIdentifier = "MyAnnotation";
MKPinAnnotationView pinView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(reuseIdentifier) as MKPinAnnotationView;
if (null == pinView)
pinView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, reuseIdentifier);
pinView.PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Purple;
pinView.AnimatesDrop = true;
pinView.CanShowCallout = true;
}//end if
return pinView;
}//end if else
when i add
CLLocationCoordinate2D mapCoordinate = this.mapView.UserLocation.Location.Coordinate;
// Set the map region
this.mapView.SetRegion(MKCoordinateRegion.FromDistance (mapCoordinate, 1000, 1000), true);
program crashes
is it way to automaticly setregion without push button?