I try to get a better understanding of how I can create Xamarin.Android bindings. I followed the guide and various informations I found on the net. But I do not know what I have to do for some errors.
The first error was kind of this:
ValueListView.cs(17,17): Error CS0102: The type 'ValueListView' already contains a definition for 'id_ctor_Landroid_content_Context_Landroid_util_AttributeSet_'
I found out it is an overloaded constructor. To make further progress I simply removed the constructor by adding
< remove-node path="/api/package[@name='com.projectLib']/class[@name='ValueListView']/method[@name='ctor' and count(parameter)=2 and parameter[1][@type='android.content.Context'] and parameter[2][@type='android.util.AttributeSet']]" / >
which causes some new errors.
Mainly this kind of errors appears and I would like to know how I can handle this.
UI.Controls.Axis.cs(24,24): Error CS0533: 'UI.Controls.Axis.DoAutoRange()' hides inherited abstract member 'UI.Scales.Scale.DoAutoRange()'
UI.Controls.ValueCategory.AreaSeries.cs(24,24): Error CS0507: 'UI.Controls.ValueCategory.AreaSeries.PrepareFrame(Motionframwork.IFrame, Motionframwork.IFrame)': cannot change access modifiers when overriding protected' inherited memberUI.Controls.Series.PrepareFrame(Motionframwork.IFrame, Motionframwork.IFrame)'