I've tried following the Xamarin backgrounding tutorial for background tasks and it doesn't seem to be running.
In the AppDelegate class I've overridden the DidEnterBackground method like so:
// Background task can run for up to 10 mins after the app is hidden
public override void DidEnterBackground (UIApplication application) {
Console.WriteLine ("DidEnterBackground");
int taskID = UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginBackgroundTask (() => {});
new Task (() => {
var t = new Thread (() => {
// Perform Sync
t.Start ();
}).Start ();
Also I tried it first without the extra thread inside the background task but that didn't seem to work either.
Am I implementing this correctly?
The Sync.All method is attempting to send/receive data to a web service. Basically we are connecting the app to our cloud service but we need to do a full sync as/before the user exits.
Also how do I know if DidEnterBackground is running at all? I tried Console.Writeline and also a breakpoint for the debugger but neither do anything (which fits with my assumption that the entire method is not being called).
Much appreciated.