Hi everyone,
i already tried everything i could think of, but i'm still stuck.
My Problem: I have an Activity that starts another Activity (lets call it "SelectActivity") with a ListView. This SelectActivity has an Adapter for the ListView. I would like to return all tags from selected Checkboxes.
But i can't get the tags, 'cause it will keep return "null" if i try to find them with FindViewById.
I could really need a little help.
OnCreate in "SelectActivity" looks as following: ` List checkedContacts = new List();
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.ContactList);
var contactsAdapter = new ContactsAdapter (this);
var contactsListView = FindViewById<ListView> (Resource.Id.ContactsListView);
contactsListView.Adapter = contactsAdapter;
var checkbox = contactsListView.FindViewById<CheckBox> (Resource.Id.ContactCheckbox);
checkbox.Click += (o, e) => {
var cb = (CheckBox)o;
var item = (int)cb.Tag;
if(checkedContacts.Any(it => it == item))
} else {
I would really appreciate any kind of help.