Hello, I'm having trouble consuming a web service via android application in Xamarin studio, following all the simple steps contained in http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundamentals/web_services/ could make the web reference and have access to the objects, however when you make the appointment, either via emulation or with the app installed on a machine with no reply, I get the time out and emulated device application closes while starting the query to the web service, follow m stretch the code, thank you in advance for attention.
using NoFrontier.Web_Service;
// ...
namespace NoFrontier
// ...
NoFrontier_WS servico;
// ...
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
// ...
servico = new NoFrontier_WS (@"http://centurion.wami.com.br/nofrontier");
string ID = servico.Autentificacao ("admin", "admin"); // << that line the query web service failure occurs
// ...