I'm trying to use a custom font in my Cocos2d application but I am seeing the following error when I create the CCLableTTF:
2014-02-21 13:36:32.410 TestProject[4290:80b] Can't find SFHollywoodHills-BoldItalic, use system default (arial) [0:] Can't find SFHollywoodHills-BoldItalic, use system default (arial)
I put the font, SFHollywoodHills-BoldItalic.ttf under my Resources folder. In the info.plist file under Source, I added the font under "Fonts provided by Application". In the properties of the font, "Copy to output Directory" is set to "Always Copy" and "Build action" is set to BundleResource. I'm not sure what the issue could be here, in the AppDelagate class I am printing UIFont.FamilyNames.SelectMany(UIFont.FontNamesForFamilyName).ToList() and I see my font in the list. The below is how I am creating the label, any help would be appreciated:
scoreLabel = new CCLabelTTF (Score.ToString(), "SFHollywoodHills-BoldItalic", 20f) { Position = scorePosition, Color = new CCColor3B (XNA.Color.White) };