I am a new Xamariner,learn not so long. so, nearly,I try to use AutoCompleteTextView to show on some Activity.I want it to be used like the google textbox component,if I input some chars, it will complete me in auto way: when I input like 'jam', it can shows the dropdownlist like 'James Hillier Blount','LeBron James', '))'...
I find out the AutoCompleteTextView is easy to use.but when you set a Adapter to it, the default Filter works not very well,because you just don't want that it just can complete the words whichs like start with the chars you input but not includes or contains them.
I just find the efficient way to override the Filter can fix the problem. but when you try that way,you will finaly find you just can't change the List to Java.Lang.Object(whatever results.Values = values; or someone = (List)results.Values!)
and if you really make the AutoCompleteTextView like the google browser's textbox component(in windows or imac), so you will know my point!
please, help me!
my email is 46577471@qq.com,send me solution code if you know how ! thank you very much!