I'm binding the latest version of the JanRain SDK, I have built the library project in the normal way and added the zip to my binding project, set a bunch of transforms in the metadata.xml and it's generally working without complaint, except for one thing. This interface in the `JREngage' class:
* @internal
* @hide
private interface ConfigFinishListener {
void configDidFinish();
I've added the following metadata entry:
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.janrain.android.engage']/class[@name='JREngage.ConfigFinishListener']" name="visibility">public</attr>
Which does make the bound Interface public, however when I try to use the DLL from the binding I see this error message:
com.janrain.android.engage.JREngage.ConfigFinishListener has private access in com.janrain.android.engage.JREngage
Is it possible to override this and make it work, or shall I just edit the source locally and rebuild to set this interface to public?