Hey all,
I started using Xamarin.Contacts from Xamarin.Mobile and am seeing significant slowness on some phones.
My phone which has 501 contacts takes around 4-5 seconds to iterate through all the contacts. Another phone on my team has 1331 contacts and it takes 969 (not a typo!) seconds to iterate through all the contacts.
Fast phone: Motorola XT897S (an older phone) Android 4.1.2 Scratch Wireless/Sprint
Slow phone: SPH-L900 (Galaxy Note 2) Android 4.3 Sprint
Location on Google drive of sample Xamarin app that I used to test this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5hM-CTDF46gVDZYTk56NmRzOXc/edit?usp=sharing