I am trying to create bindings for the SlidingMenu java lib but I am running into a problem porting the CustomAnimation class from the sample because the generated binding is missing a method called 'SetBehindCanvasTransformer'.
I am getting a bunch of missing class errors (SlidingMenu has 4 interfaces defined within its class and these are all missing)
Warning 6 missing class error was raised while reflecting setBehindCanvasTransformer [public void com.slidingmenu.lib.SlidingMenu.setBehindCanvasTransformer(com.slidingmenu.lib.SlidingMenu$CanvasTransformer)] : com/slidingmenu/lib/R C:\Users\Jake\Documents\GitHub\SlidingMenuMonodroid\SlidingMenuBinding\JARTOXML SlidingMenuBinding
These are the missing classes (well they are actually interfaces)
I have attached a screenshot of the errors that are showing up when I build the binding. I have a feeling it is because the $
sign in the com.slidingmenu.lib.SlidingMenu$CanvasTransformer
class. In the docs it mentions that "classes and interfaces whose name only consists of lower case letters, numbers, or the $
as obfuscated. The obfuscated types will be filtered out by the by the binding generator and not included in the Java Binding library."
So I have tried adding to the metadata.xml
file (I think the xpaths are correct because I am not seeing the BINDINGSGENERATOR : no nodes matching...). But this still doesn't fix the errors. So not sure if it has anthing to do with that!
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.slidingmenu.lib']/interface[@name='SlidingMenu.CanvasTransformer']" name="obfuscated">false</attr>
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.slidingmenu.lib']/interface[@name='SlidingMenu.OnOpenListener']" name="obfuscated">false</attr>
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.slidingmenu.lib']/interface[@name='SlidingMenu.OnOpenedListener']" name="obfuscated">false</attr>
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.slidingmenu.lib']/interface[@name='SlidingMenu.OnCloseListener']" name="obfuscated">false</attr>
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.slidingmenu.lib']/interface[@name='SlidingMenu.OnClosedListener']" name="obfuscated">false</attr>
I the dll that gets generated I can actually see the SlidingMenu.ICanvasTransformer
(using dotpeek to decompile because Object Browser in visual studio borks on my dll). So I have no idea why the SetBehindCanvasTransformer
method of SlidingMenu is not there :-(
In com.slidingMenu.lib.SlidingMenu
CanvasTransformer is just an interface like this (and it is declared withing the SlidingMenu class)
* The Interface CanvasTransformer.
public interface CanvasTransformer {
* Transform canvas.
* @param canvas the canvas
* @param percentOpen the percent open
public void transformCanvas(Canvas canvas, float percentOpen);
I have put the code on Github so that if anyone is able to help me out that would be much appreciated! https://github.com/superlogical/SlidingMenuMonodroid
Here is the code in my project that needs the SetBehindCanvasTransformer
using Android.OS;
using SlidingMenuBinding.Lib;
using SlidingMenuBinding.Lib.App;
using SlidingMenuDemo.Fragments;
namespace SlidingMenuDemo.Animation
public abstract class CustomAnimation : BaseActivity
private SlidingMenu.ICanvasTransformer transformer;
protected CustomAnimation(int titleRes, SlidingMenu.ICanvasTransformer transformer) : base(titleRes)
this.transformer = transformer;
public override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// set the above view
.Replace(Resource.Id.content_frame, new SampleListFragment())
SlidingMenu sm = SlidingMenu;
sm.BehindScrollScale = 0.0f;
sm.SetBehindCanvasTransformer(this.transformer); // This doesn't work as it is missing from the binding