There are two major issues that I'm facing with Xamarin Studio right now, and both are critical and I don't think I'm being too dramatic in saying they are blockers for releasing a rather large profile game using this system.
The first is this.
Something seriously went wrong with debugging activation on distribution builds.
Basically, I cannot build a distribution / app store build with the Debugging flags in the options pane turned off. If I do, the app crashes in random places. I do get two buzzes on start up of the app, signalling that it's trying to connect via the debugger (when it should not be), and then it crashes at random places later on.
If I turn this flag ON, then the crashes go away, but my app is now larger and is trying to connect to the debugger.
This is definitely a studio update thing (happened two updates ago - (at least)
The second is that with the latest studio update, Monogame no longer starts up. It crashes in the function
public object GetService(Type type)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
object service;
if (services.TryGetValue(type, out service))
return service;
return null;
in gameservice container in monogame.framework.ios.
No code has been changed, just an update to Studio, and now this returns null and the function that calls it gives an exception error.
Something bad happened, and this is Not Good. I'm on a critical delivery date and this update just blew that out of the water.
How do I roll back Studio? I've gotten to the point now where I cannot trust that new studio updates won't blow something else critical up, and as such, I just need to roll back and start where I know it works.
This is really critical here. Help?