I'm having two display anomalies when using the Monotouch.Dialog that I would like to fix.
1) When redrawing the view (either by orientation change or when returning to the view), the element value looses the padding it had, and gets aligned left right next to the caption
2) I use the default entry element class to represent an input field. The caption on the element is not aligned with the value of the element (value element is higher than caption). How can I manipulate caption / value position to get them to the same level (possibly without having to create a custom element)?
Code is the default example:
public partial class MyDialog : DialogViewController
public MyDialog () : base (UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null)
Root = new RootElement ("MyDialog") {
new Section ("First Section") {
new StringElement ("Hello", () => {
new UIAlertView ("Hola", "Thanks for tapping!", null, "Continue").Show ();
new EntryElement ("Name", "Enter your name", String.Empty)
new Section ("Second Section") {