Hi, I have a Jar Binding library, and the jar contains 2 root packages: "it", and "p001". I need to have the code generator ignore the latter, which contains obfuscated internal classes, but I can't seem to write the correct remove-node entry to get it to remove. I have:
<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='p001']" />
And when I build I get a warning which says, " matched no nodes". I've opened the jar and seen the "p001" folder next to the "it" folder, and obj/Debug/api.xml in my project references
<package name="p001.p001.p001">
How can I ignore the whole "p001" package? I've also tried
<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='p001.p001.p001']" />
Which does NOT give me the "matched no nodes" warning, yet api.xml still contains the entry for p001.p001.p001