Hello everyone,
I am currently trying to build my ios/android app through teamcity.
Important points:
I need to be able to build both Adhoc and Release builds
I have a shared PCL library project
The Teamcity build agent is a Windows machine, though I do have a mac that I will use as a build host specifically for that build agent
My expectation is that teamcity will be able to run the build obtain the apk/ipa files and have those files available to be copied/uploaded elsewhere. In other words a developer should never need to go to the mac machine to get the IPA file.
My plan:
- Ensure that I can successfully build both an ios and an android project using an msbuild command run on windows (without having visual studio open)
- Ensure that after the successful build I can get the generated apk/ipa file onto the same windows machine that ran the msbuild command
- Ensure that I can set certificates/signing keys using that same msbuild command from the windows machine (or through a separate command that teamcity can run before the msbuild command)
First, I will ask if any of my requirements seem unreasonable/impossible for a xamarin project? (and why?)
I will try to use this thread to document my progress, and to ask any questions about any problems that I encounter. Hopefully this will be helpful for others as well.