I've been trying to get the Tasky.iOS project within the TaskyVS solution to properly build and deploy to my OS X Mavericks 10.9.2 system without success. Every time I have tried, I have ended up with the following in the output pane:
1>Server command 'Build': application remote build failed 1>Command execution task ended with exception 1>Exception System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. 1>Exception details can be found in the log file
These errors occur despite that I have no problem pairing and that I have verified I have the latest version of all components (Xamarin, the SDKs, and the docs). I have also tried using the Stable channel instead of the Alpha channel, I've tried with and without elevation, and I have verified that the firewall isn't getting in the way. Still, after all of this, no luck after many hours of trying various configurations/scenarios. Oh, and FYI, I'm using Windows 8.1 with Visual Studio 2013 Update 1.
Despite these blocking issues (apparently Tasky deployment is a prerequisite for the Intro to iOS with Visual Studio XamU course), I decided to look at the course materials anyway. In those materials, there is a Phoneword_iOS solution in Lab 1 for that course. If I open that solution as is, without making any modifications for the lab exercises, and I click on the Start button (after verifying I have it set to Debug mode with the iPhoneSimulator as the target), the solution builds and I get the following error message:
"Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target 'C:\Users\Poshoholic\Dropbox\Xamarin University\3 - IOS102 - Intro to iOS with Visual Studio\Lab 01 resources\Phoneword_iOS_Begin\Phoneword_iOS\bin\iPhoneSimulator\Debug\Phonework_iOS.exe' is missing. Please build the project and retry, or set the OutputPath and AssemblyName properties appropriately to point at the correct location for the target assembly.
This is where it gets interesting. When I click on OK to close that error message, the dialog goes away and the project deploys, opening the simulator on my OS X system and loading the Phoneword app.
Why am I sharing all of this? Because I hope that this information might help identify the root cause behind this really annoying issue with the Tasky project. I have compared the project settings between the two projects and they all seem pretty much the same (although not 100% the same). I was thinking it might have to do with the Phoneword project being a single project vs the Tasky solution being comprised of multiple projects (Tasky.iOS and Tasky.Core). Maybe Tasky simply needs an update (one that also includes an updated version of the Windows Phone project that will load properly on VS 2013 perhaps?).
I'd love to get to the bottom of this and figure out how to get Tasky deploying properly so that I can continue to experiment with Xamarin from inside Visual Studio. If you need any more information, or have suggestions on how I might resolve this for the Tasky app, please let me know.
Kirk out.