Hi everyone,
Instead of a text title in a Navigation Bar, I'm trying to put an image (app's logo). All the documentation I read says that I should create an ImageView and set it to the TitleView property. I do it, and it does absolutely nothing. I tried just adding a UILabelView to it and that doesn't work either.
As an alternative to using the TitleView property, I tried messing around and doing it by creating a background image by using the NavigationBar.SetBackgroundImage method, but I ran into problems with that with image stretching/repeating.
I rather do it the proper pay and use the TitleView property but I don't know what I"m doing wrong.
Can someone please give me an example that works? I've been banging my head for like 5 hours trying to do something I thought would take 5 mins.
Any help is appreciated.