Sometimes the native stacktraces contain managed method frames, which is very helpful. e.g:
26 AppName 0x0040c963 ServiceStack_ServiceClient_Web_AsyncServiceClient_HandleResponseError_TResponse_System_Exception_ServiceStack_ServiceClient_Web_AsyncServiceClient_RequestState_1_TResponse
27 AppName 0x0040c21f ServiceStack_ServiceClient_Web_AsyncServiceClient_ReadCallBack_T_System_IAsyncResult
But for one of my apps, the vast majority of reported crashes contain this stacktrace, which gives no clues:
in monotouch-glue.m on Line 1436
# Binary Image Name Address Symbol
0 AppName 0x00059712 testflight_backtrace
1 AppName 0x0005a360 TFSignalHandler
2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x3b900722 _sigtramp
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x3b905a52 pthread_kill
4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x3b84f02c abort
5 AppName 0x00748933 monotouch_unhandled_exception_handler in monotouch-glue.m on Line 1436
6 AppName 0x006b9d56 mono_invoke_unhandled_exception_hook in mini-exceptions.c on Line 2749
7 AppName 0x006c4e8e mono_thread_abort_dummy in mini.c on Line 2768
8 AppName 0x006b9732 mono_handle_exception_internal in mini-exceptions.c on Line 1710
9 AppName 0x006b8eb6 in mini-exceptions.c on Line 2003
10 AppName 0x006b3204 mono_arm_throw_exception in exceptions-arm.c on Line 161
11 AppName 0x0028c897 rethrow_exception
12 AppName 0x0026b51b wrapper_runtime_invoke_object_runtime_invoke_dynamic_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_0
13 AppName 0x006c4718 mono_jit_runtime_invoke in mini.c on Line 6504
14 AppName 0x00700224 mono_runtime_invoke in object.c on Line 2827
15 AppName 0x00703dcc mono_runtime_exec_main in object.c on Line 4054
16 AppName 0x00703c0c mono_runtime_run_main in object.c on Line 3678
17 AppName 0x006b3010 mono_jit_exec in driver.g.c on Line 962
18 AppName 0x00736e07 main in main.m on Line 486
19 AppName 0x0007ad43 start
I am wondering if anyone knows what this stacktrace means?