Hello all,
I want to start using MVVM framework to enhance code reuse for one on my newborn Xamarin projects. I've followed all the MVVMCross tutorials and documentations found in the forums, in Stuart's blog and in StackOverflow. Sadly, most of them are already outdated or requires a MS Windows and VS installation to configure the project. I don't have neither Windows nor Visual Studio, I could download the trial versions but it seems a little too much for just configuring the project.
I'm already aware of the PCL issues on Mac, I've read something about dummy PCL support and tried the PCL patched version of MonoDevelop, but no luck yet. Although I'd love to have PCL working on Mac, it is not a priority right now.
Could anyone point me to the right direction for configuring a new MVVMCross project in Xamarin Studio for Mac?
Thanks! Guillermo