I'm new to Xamarin and mobile application in general, and I'm a bit lost.
I have to build an app which tracks a device every x minutes. How do you test your code with geolocation is working with an emulator, or is it impossible ? How can I test that my code does get the location from the Location Service ? Because right now it doesn't return anything. I've figured it's because it's an emulator, and even though the actual device has a GPS, the emulator doesn't, so he doesn't pass any locations ??
Do I have to test my app on the device ? Is there a solution to see if everything works fine with the emulator ? I'll have quite a bit to do with the geolocation part, so I'm worried testing it every time on a device will be troublesome and time consuming.
I swear, I'm not a moron, I've done my homework, I think my code is good (I've followed the tutorials, so must be ok), I'm just so lost with the emulators, if maybe I have to download a new package, create a new emulator, or configure one in some way, or am I just wasting my time...
Thanks already for your help :)