Hi there,
I'm following the xamarin tutorial on IOS: Walkthrough - Using Background Location http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundamentals/backgrounding/part_4_ios_backgrounding_walkthroughs/location_walkthrough/
If works fine until the app has been in the background for 15mins. After that time it stops giving me locaion updates until I open the app in the foregraound again.
I thought that just adding "App registers for location updates" in "Required background modes" would be all I need to do but obviously not.
After reading this article: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16031120/running-ios-app-in-background-for-more-than-10-minutes I have also added "Location services" and "GPS" to "Required device capabilities" but still no joy
I'm using an iPhone 5s with Version 7.1
I have attached a screenshot of my info.plist file
Can anyone please advise on this?