So I want to be able to use the Flyout menu but Im having trouble understanding its function
you are supposed yo passs navigation controles in its view controlles but I don't wish to do this
I explain my case
I just want a view that shows a textbox label and a combo and its options are on the side menu
I just couldn't find an example of the flyout menu without it navigatin to its options
here is my code
public override void ViewDidLoad() { //View = new UniversalView();
var navController = base.NavigationController;
navController.NavigationBarHidden = true;
// Create the flyout view controller, make it large,
// and add it as a subview:
navigation = new FlyoutNavigationController();
var bounds = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds;
navigation.View.Frame = bounds;
var rootElement = new RootElement("Task List");
var section = new Section("Options");
section.AddAll(CurrenViewModel.MenuItems.Select(menuItem => new StringElement(menuItem.ToString()) as Element));
// Create the menu:
navigation.NavigationRoot = rootElement;
// Create an array of UINavigationControllers that correspond to your
// menu items:
navigation.ViewControllers =
CurrenViewModel.MenuItems.ToArray(), title =>new UINavigationController
(new TaskPageController(navigation, title.Name))
The menu Items come from the ViewModel and when they are selected the ViewModel has the logic to what to do, I am currently porting an existing windows phone and android app that have this behavior but I am stuck on the ios port