It's simple enough to fire off a new view controller from a web view link (a simple solution is on StackOverflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10959456/opening-a-new-uiviewcontroller-when-a-link-on-a-uiwebview-is-clicked). However, I'm wanting to pass information from the web view
So my scenario is this
- I have a table of (say) student marks rendered as a UIWebView and I want to enter more information about that student. I have a href link on the page which starts a new VC (they all have the same VC, the only difference is that the student ID)
- Each link is handled by the same handler code (I hate having too much code doing the same job!)
If this was a normal VC, I could do something like
NavigationController.PushViewController(new DataViewController(studentID), true);
From what I can see though, you can't do that with a href link. You can fire off the VC, but I can see any way to fire it off with an ID in the parameter list. I can do it with the aid of a static class, but I'd rather not do that either.
Any ideas on this?