I'm creating my first Java binding project (in fact just to learn the technology), it's an SDK for Russian social network. The SDK isn't provided as a .jar but as sources, and according to its recommendation I've used Android Studio to build .jar file from sources (using artifact options). The Java code seems to be correct but for some reason the demo version of Xamarin Studio doesn't compile it with the following errors:
Error 11 'Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKApiPhotoSize' does not implement interface member 'Java.Lang.IComparable.CompareTo(Java.Lang.Object)' C:\Sources\CoachingOrganizer\VkAndroidSdk\obj\Debug\generated\src\Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKApiPhotoSize.cs 8 23 VkAndroidSdk
Error 22 'Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKWallPostResult.WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, int)': no suitable method found to override C:\Sources\CoachingOrganizer\VkAndroidSdk\obj\Debug\generated\src\Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKWallPostResult.cs 108 24 VkAndroidSdk
Error 23 'Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKWallPostResult' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKApiModel.WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)' C:\Sources\CoachingOrganizer\VkAndroidSdk\obj\Debug\generated\src\Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKWallPostResult.cs 8 23 VkAndroidSdk
But if I look to the provided in SDK Java code I can see the interface IComparable is implemented, I mention the fact the interface is IComparable but not IComparable so the method with Com.VK.Sdk.Api.Model.VKApiPhotoSize instead of Java.Lang.Object is correct. Why Xamarin Studio ignores a generic argument in Java? The two errors below as you can guesse are caused by one more strange interpretation. The method WriteToParcel is has int parameter in Java base class, but it became Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags - why? I don't understand from the documetation how Transforms folder XML files can help to fix some strange intepertation, cause according to the documentation they seem to be aimed to make some Java project more familiar for C# but not to fix incorrect interpretation. For other hand I can correct Java code if the errors aren't fixable using Transforms.
P. S. May be after I'll succeed to build the binding project I'll try to make it an official SDK for the social network (vkontakte.ru) for Xamarin Studio, currently there is no its official version for Xamarin technologies (as a C# developer I prefer Xamarin tools for Android development).